   MP3: Inuit-Imitation of the cires of geese, Katajjait with geese cries, 2:45
MP3 od stejného Interpreta - Inuit - Katajjaq, 1:59
- Inuit - Melodic Katajjait, 2:47
- Inuit - Imitation of the cires of geese, Katajjait with geese cries, 2:45
- Inuit - Imitation of the cires of geese, Katajjait with geese cries, 2:45
- Inuit - Katajjait on
- Inuit - Katajjait Sung By A Solo Voice, 1:44
- Inuit - Extracts from
- Inuit - Katajjait sung by a solo voice, 1:44
- Inuit - Katajjaq, :59
- Inuit - Assalalaa, :38
- Inuit - Imitation of the cires of geese, Katajjait with geese cries, 2:45
- Inuit - Katajjait sung by a solo voice, 1:44
- Inuit - Katajjait sung by a solo voice, 1:44
- Inuit - Extracts from 13 Katajjait, 6:19
- Inuit - Extracts from 13 Katajjait, 6:19
- Inuit - Melodic Katajjait, 2:47
- Inuit - Melodic Katajjait, 2:47
- Inuit - Katajjaq, 1:59
- Inuit - Extracts from 13 Katajjait, 6:19
- Inuit - Melodic Katajjait, 2:47
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