   MP3: English Teacher John-ETJ Show 34: supposed to; proverb: 2 heads better than one; idioms: piece of cake, no way! - practice time
MP3 od stejného Interpreta - English Teacher John - ETJ Show 52: Poor test performance; News: comedy, plastics in oceans; Language: having something done; Discussion: Japanese stereotypes
- English Teacher John - ETJ Show 35: have something done; idioms: what makes him tick, down in the dumps; email, frappr, new video podcast, our vacation, webhost problems
- English Teacher John - ETJ Show 31: 'panorama' point, adjective infinitive ('She was surprised to hear ...'), idiom: head, heading, head off = to go ('I'm heading to Madrid tomorrow')
- English Teacher John - ETJ Show 54: Happy holidays! Happy New Year! Movie review: 'Waking Life'; A wikipedia profile: Kwanzaa; 3 idioms in today's show; PODnobbin' look at 3 recent podcasts; an interview with my friend Aile
- English Teacher John - ETJ Show 34: supposed to; proverb: 2 heads better than one; idioms: piece of cake, no way! - practice time
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- English Teacher John - ETJ Show 21: feeling blue, hope & wish, compound adjectives
- English Teacher John - ETJ Show 28: Japanese festival, tricky English 1 (possessives), 2 proverbs
- English Teacher John - ETJ Show 35: have something done; idioms: what makes him tick, down in the dumps; email, frappr, new video podcast, our vacation, webhost problems
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- English Teacher John - ETJ Show 27: Happy New Year & New Year's Resolutions!
- English Teacher John - ETJ Show 31: 'panorama' point, adjective infinitive ('She was surprised to hear ...'), idiom: head, heading, head off = to go ('I'm heading to Madrid tomorrow')
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- English Teacher John - ETJ Show 38: we're back! Asking to pass on a message; interview with Jakob-Felizitas famous family, Dharamsala; practice time, and more ...
- English Teacher John - ETJ Show 34: supposed to; proverb: 2 heads better than one; idioms: piece of cake, no way! - practice time
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