   MP3: Darrell Shandrow and Karen Hughes-Happy Thanksgiving!
MP3 od stejného Interpreta - Darrell Shandrow and Karen Hughes - Blind Access Journal First Anniversary Show
- Darrell Shandrow and Karen Hughes - Tuesday Topics
- Darrell Shandrow and Karen Hughes - Downhill Sledding
- Darrell Shandrow and Karen Hughes - Happy New Year
- Darrell Shandrow and Karen Hughes - Carol and Daren Chat About CSUN, Credit Card Fraude, and Much More
- Darrell Shandrow and Karen Hughes - Happy Thanksgiving!
- Darrell Shandrow and Karen Hughes - Show #88: Happy Birthday Karen, Wedding Chat and More
- Darrell Shandrow and Karen Hughes - Tuesday Topics
- Darrell Shandrow and Karen Hughes - Carol and Daren Chat About CSUN, Credit Card Fraude, and Much More
- Darrell Shandrow and Karen Hughes - Topic Mashup: Tucson Trip, Music Crackdown, Inaccessibility, Expo Prep, Dial-A-Ride and More
- Darrell Shandrow and Karen Hughes - Show #88: Happy Birthday Karen, Wedding Chat and More
- Darrell Shandrow and Karen Hughes - Good News on Google Accessibility, iRiver Blues, Edirol commentary and the Wedding Preparations Continue
- Darrell Shandrow and Karen Hughes - Outside in Hot Tub Below Freezing
- Darrell Shandrow and Karen Hughes - Tucson Visit, Christmas, Podsafe for Peace Inaccessibility Controversy and Accessibility Evangelism Contest
- Darrell Shandrow and Karen Hughes - Good News on Google Accessibility, iRiver Blues, Edirol commentary and the Wedding Preparations Continue
- Darrell Shandrow and Karen Hughes - Christmas Eve Flight and Christmas Afternoon Walk in New England
- Darrell Shandrow and Karen Hughes - Topic Mashup: Tucson Trip, Music Crackdown, Inaccessibility, Expo Prep, Dial-A-Ride and More
- Darrell Shandrow and Karen Hughes - 9/11 Tribute
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