   MP3: Triple Crown Sound-Cage,Dog,Bang,Rattle,Fist
MP3 od stejného Interpreta - Triple Crown Sound - Pen,Click,Open,Paper,Rustle
- Triple Crown Sound - Air Rifle,Shot,Soft,Trail,Shell,Fall,Clicks
- Triple Crown Sound - Cane Field,Wind,Birds - light, constant wind blow. Background bird song.
- Triple Crown Sound - Aircraft Carrier,Office,BG Activity - one deck above the hangar bay.
- Triple Crown Sound - Parachute,Gear,Metal,Pat
- Triple Crown Sound - Chant,Monk,Tibetan,5
- Triple Crown Sound - Chant,Monks,x3,Tibetan,4
- Triple Crown Sound - Helicopter,CH-53E,Ext,Warm Up to Start. High pitch begins at 0:35. Directly beneath the rotors. Single Rotor, 2 Engines, Sikorsky Super Stallion
- Triple Crown Sound - Helicopter,CH-53E,Int,Idle,Texture,2 - Electric Hum, Warm Up; Single Rotor, 2 Engines. Sikorsky Super Stallion
- Triple Crown Sound - Chain,Lite,Jingle,Musical
- Triple Crown Sound - Feet,Grass,Girls x2,Walk,Med
- Triple Crown Sound - Beast,Growl,Impatient,Series2
- Triple Crown Sound - Beast,Growl,Grunt,Series,1
- Triple Crown Sound - Applause,Crowd,Swell,Cheer
- Triple Crown Sound - Crowd,Cheer,Hick Walla
- Triple Crown Sound - Crowd,Small,Cheer,Clap
- Triple Crown Sound - Submarine,Water,Hull,,Int,1 - water laps against bulkhead.
- Triple Crown Sound - Voice,Male,Ambulance,Rescue
- Triple Crown Sound - Cheer,Crowd,Swell,Full,Clap
- Triple Crown Sound - Crowd,Cheer,Surprised,Walla
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