   MP3: Brooks Jensen, Editor, LensWork Publishing-LW0507 - Cleaning Days
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- Brooks Jensen, Editor, LensWork Publishing - LW0341 - An Example of How Genius Is Often Just a Happy Accident
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- Brooks Jensen, Editor, LensWork Publishing - LW0387 - Made of Steel, Revisited 3
- Brooks Jensen, Editor, LensWork Publishing - LW0301 Creating in the Midst of Everyday Life
- Brooks Jensen, Editor, LensWork Publishing - LW0309 - The Niche That Is Photography
- Brooks Jensen, Editor, LensWork Publishing - LW0159 - The Camera as Impediment to Seeing
- Brooks Jensen, Editor, LensWork Publishing - LW0221 - Surrounding Ourselves with Excellence
- Brooks Jensen, Editor, LensWork Publishing - LW0373 - Fine Art -- by association
- Brooks Jensen, Editor, LensWork Publishing - LW0484 - 10000 Hours
- Brooks Jensen, Editor, LensWork Publishing - LW0146 - The Magazine Rack at Barnes and Noble
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