   MP3: Fr Thomas Soroka-Don't Presume upon the Faith
MP3 od stejného Interpreta - Fr Thomas Soroka - The Path - April 6, 2009
- Fr Thomas Soroka - The Path - April 2, 2009
- Fr Thomas Soroka - The Path - April 8, 2009
- Fr Thomas Soroka - The Path - April 3, 2009
- Fr Thomas Soroka - The Path - April 13, 2009
- Fr Thomas Soroka - The Path - March 25, 2009
- Fr Thomas Soroka - The Path - February 25, 2009
- Fr Thomas Soroka - The Nature of Faith
- Fr Thomas Soroka - The Way, the Truth, and the Life
- Fr Thomas Soroka - Called to be Servant Leaders
- Fr Thomas Soroka - The Path - April 1, 2009
- Fr Thomas Soroka - The Authority of God
- Fr Thomas Soroka - Empowered to Offer our Life to God
- Fr Thomas Soroka - The Truth of What We Have Received
- Fr Thomas Soroka - The Path - January 26, 2009
- Fr Thomas Soroka - Called to be Saints
- Fr Thomas Soroka - Called to be Saints
- Fr Thomas Soroka - Lo, I am With You Always
- Fr Thomas Soroka - Lo, I am With You Always
- Fr Thomas Soroka - The Path - February 27, 2009
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