   MP3: Ultra-red-960825 Chicano Park, San Diego
MP3 od stejného Interpreta - Ultra-red - Freedom of Movement
- Ultra-red - 970413 UFW Rally for Strawberry Workers, Watsonville
- Ultra-red - An Archive Of Feelings, 1987 to 1991
- Ultra-red - 010224 Opening of Day Laborer Job Center, Pasadena
- Ultra-red - A Time To Remember
- Ultra-red - Against a Natural History of Wind
- Ultra-red - Against a Natural History of Wind
- Ultra-red - 960902 Labor Day Parade, Wilmington
- Ultra-red - A Time To Hear
- Ultra-red - 000421 Justice For Janitors Strike, Citicorp Plaza, Downtown LA
- Ultra-red - 980509 Australia Dock Solidarity Strike, Matsen Terminal, LA Harbor
- Ultra-red - 000421 Justice For Janitors Strike, Citicorp Plaza, Downtown LA
- Ultra-red - 02 Geopolitik
- Ultra-red - Can You Feel It?
- Ultra-red - An Epidemic Of Silence
- Ultra-red - 04 Rotlicht
- Ultra-red - Freedom of Movement
- Ultra-red - 960902 Labor Day Parade, Wilmington
- Ultra-red - 980217 Union de Vecinos Meeting, Pico Aliso, East Los Angeles
- Ultra-red - 990615 Burbank Airport Metrolink Station, Burbank
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