   MP3: Ultra-red-960825 Chicano Park, San Diego
MP3 od stejného Interpreta - Ultra-red - An Epidemic Of Silence
- Ultra-red - Can You Feel It?
- Ultra-red - An Archive Of Feelings, 1987 to 1991
- Ultra-red - A Time To Hear
- Ultra-red - 07 Illegalization
- Ultra-red - 06 Movement for Airports
- Ultra-red - 990605 Bonaventure Hotel, Downtown Los Angeles
- Ultra-red - 000814 Democratic National Convention Protest, Downtown
- Ultra-red - 10 Frankfurt Bahnhof
- Ultra-red - 960922 Griffith Park Boulevard, Silverlake at 3:30am
- Ultra-red - 000308 Justice For Janitors Action, Westwood and Wilshire
- Ultra-red - 030703 Stop Deportation Rally, Parliament, Dublin, Ireland
- Ultra-red - 01 Ghetto Express
- Ultra-red - 960913 Riverside Drive at Traveltown in Griffith Park at 2:10am
- Ultra-red - Ghetto Express
- Ultra-red - 980512 Urban Planning Class, UCLA
- Ultra-red - One Door Down
- Ultra-red - 000421 Justice For Janitors Strike, Citicorp Plaza, Downtown LA
- Ultra-red - 960913 Riverside Drive at Traveltown in Griffith Park at 2:10am
- Ultra-red - 000303 Justice For Janitors Civil Disobedience Training, SEIU 1877
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