   MP3: Victor Hugo-Cortinas da Alma
MP3 od stejného Interpreta - Victor Hugo - 46 - Book 05, ch. 07: Fauchelevent becomes a Gardener in Paris
- Victor Hugo - 50 - Book 05, ch. 11: Christus nos Liberavit
- Victor Hugo - 62 - Book 07, ch. 08 - An Entrance by Favor
- Victor Hugo - 66 - Book 08, ch. 01: In What Mirror M. Madeleine Contemplates his Hair
- Victor Hugo - 18 - Book 02, ch. 04: Details concerning the Cheese-Dairies of Pontarlier
- Victor Hugo - 26 - Book 02, ch. 12: The Bishop Works
- Victor Hugo - 30 - Book 03, ch. 03: Four and Four
- Victor Hugo - 24 - Book 02, ch. 10: The Man Aroused
- Victor Hugo - 41 - Book 05, ch. 02: Madeleine
- Victor Hugo - 61 - Book 07, ch. 07: The Traveller on his Arrival takes Precautions for Departure
- Victor Hugo - 48 - Book 05, ch. 09: Madame Victurnien's Success
- Victor Hugo - 09 - Book 01, ch. 09: The Brother as depicted by the Sister
- Victor Hugo - 58 - Book 07, ch. 04: Forms Assumed by Suffering During Sleep
- Victor Hugo - 59 - Book 07, ch. 05: Hindrances
- Victor Hugo - 26 - Book 02, ch. 12: The Bishop Works
- Victor Hugo - 13 - Book 01, ch. 13: What He Believed
- Victor Hugo - 57 - Book 07, ch. 03: A Tempest In A Skull
- Victor Hugo - 64 - Book 07, ch. 10: The System of Denials
- Victor Hugo - 67 - Book 08, ch. 02: Fantine Happy
- Victor Hugo - 27 - Book 02, ch. 13: Little Gervais
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