   MP3: Ernest Shackleton-06 - Chapter III: Winter Months, part 2
MP3 od stejného Interpreta - Ernest Shackleton - 28 - Chapter XV: Laying the Depots, part 2
- Ernest Shackleton - 24 - Chapter XIII: The Ross Sea Party, part 1
- Ernest Shackleton - 30 - Chapter XVI: The Aurora's Drift, part 2
- Ernest Shackleton - 27 - Chapter XV: Laying the Depots, part 1
- Ernest Shackleton - 27 - Chapter XV: Laying the Depots, part 1
- Ernest Shackleton - 31 - Chapter XVII: The Last Relief
- Ernest Shackleton - 15 - Chapter VIII: Escape from the Ice, part 4
- Ernest Shackleton - 25 - Chapter XIII: The Ross Sea Party, part 2
- Ernest Shackleton - 20 - Chapter X: Across South Georgia
- Ernest Shackleton - 25 - Chapter XIII: The Ross Sea Party, part 2
- Ernest Shackleton - 21 - Chapter XI: The Rescue
- Ernest Shackleton - 26 - Chapter XIV: Wintering in McMurdo Sound
- Ernest Shackleton - 29 - Chapter XVI: The Aurora's Drift, part 1
- Ernest Shackleton - 11 - Chapter VII: Patience Camp
- Ernest Shackleton - 28 - Chapter XV: Laying the Depots, part 2
- Ernest Shackleton - 10 - Chapter VI: The March Between
- Ernest Shackleton - 09 - Chapter V: Ocean Camp
- Ernest Shackleton - 07 - Chapter IV: Loss of the Endurance, part 1
- Ernest Shackleton - 16 - Chapter IX: The Boat Journey, part 1
- Ernest Shackleton - 05 - Chapter III: Winter Months, part 1
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