   MP3: Joel Chandler Harris-1 - 02 - The Wonderful Tar-Baby Story
MP3 od stejného Interpreta - Joel Chandler Harris - 1 - 04 - How Mr. Rabbit was too sharp for Mr. Fox
- Joel Chandler Harris - 1 - 08 - Mr. Fox is outdone by Mr. Buzzard
- Joel Chandler Harris - 1 - 15 - Mr. Fox goes a-hunting, but Mr. Rabbit bags the Game
- Joel Chandler Harris - 1 - 23 - Mr. Rabbit and Mr. Bear
- Joel Chandler Harris - 1 - 24 - Mr. Bear catches Old Mr. Bull-Frog
- Joel Chandler Harris - 1 - 06 - Mr. Rabbit grossly deceives Mr. Fox
- Joel Chandler Harris - 2 - 2 - The Plough-hands Song, Christmas Play-Song, Plantation Play-Song, A Plantation Chant, A Plantation Serenade
- Joel Chandler Harris - 1 - 26 - Mr. Terrapin shows his Strength
- Joel Chandler Harris - 2 - 1 - Revival Hymn, Camp-Meeting Song, Corn-Shucking Song
- Joel Chandler Harris - 4 - 1 - Jeems Rober'son's Last Illness, Uncle Remus's Church Experience, Uncle Remus and the Savannah Darkey
- Joel Chandler Harris - 1 - 12 - Mr. Fox tackles Old Man Tarrypin
- Joel Chandler Harris - 1 - 13 - The Awful Fate of Mr. Wolf
- Joel Chandler Harris - 1 - 26 - Mr. Terrapin shows his Strength
- Joel Chandler Harris - 1 - 01 - Uncle Remus initiates the Little Boy
- Joel Chandler Harris - 1 - 16 - Old Mr. Rabbit, he's a Good Fisherman
- Joel Chandler Harris - 1 - 17 - Mr. Rabbit nibbles up the Butter
- Joel Chandler Harris - Uncle Remus
- Joel Chandler Harris - 4 - 4 - A Case of Measles, The Emigrants, As a Murderer
- Joel Chandler Harris - 4 - 6 - Uncle Remus preaches to a Convert, As to Education, A Temperance Reformer
- Joel Chandler Harris - 4 - 2 - Turnip Salad as a Text, A Confession, Uncle Remus with the Toothache
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